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Page 2

  Chris did as ordered, and Kate slowly circled the bed, methodically tying each limb to one of the rings.

  “Test the bonds for me.” She ran a teasing nail from his armpit to his hip, and Chris tugged against the ropes. “You’re not going anywhere.” Moisture from her arousal trickled down her leg.

  Kate made quick work of shedding her shoes and clothes. She struggled to remember. “Condom?”

  “Nightstand,” Chris’ voice sounded strained.

  Kate opened the nightstand and found a package of tissues, nipple clamps, a vibrator, and a box of extra-large condoms. She placed the treasures beside his head and sucked his nipple into her mouth. Men’s nipples were harder to clamp but just as much fun to tease as women’s. Kate toyed with his balls and latched onto the other nipple. She lifted her head and held the clamp for him to see.

  “Ever felt one?”

  Chris shook his head. “Not where you’re going to use it. I’ve had them on my finger.”

  She smiled wickedly. “Oh, they’re going to feel completely different this time!”

  Kate fastened the first clamp on his right nipple and watched his face as she relaxed her fingers, allowing more and more pressure. His eyes widened and his arms pulled against the ropes when she let go of the clamp. She cocked her head and inquired, “Okay?”

  He groaned as he lifted his head, trying to see. “Fuck!”

  He was so much fun to play with! “Wait until they come off.”

  Chris groaned even louder, and his head flopped back onto the bed.

  Without any preamble, Kate clamped his left nipple and then rolled the condom onto his straining cock. Even with the added lubrication of his pre-cum, the fit was tight — extra-large indeed. Suddenly, she couldn’t wait to feel him inside her and abandoned the idea of more torture. Kate straddled his hips and lowered herself onto his shaft. His length and girth created a fantastic stretch, but there was more to it than that. Why is having him inside different? I’ve had great sex before. Maybe not all the men were as well hung as Chris, but there were skillful lovers with functioning dicks. Being with him slaked a need she hadn’t noticed before. Her pussy pulsed around his length, no longer wanting to be denied its pleasure. Kate lifted herself and slammed down hard. Chris bucked and released a strangled and drawn out, “Fuck!”

  As if she had received an invitation she did. She fucked him hard as she locked eyes with him. His pupils dilated with the black pushing away the blue-grey color she loved, and he started to close his eyes.

  “Look at me,” she ordered, and he strained to keep his eyes open.

  “Can’t,” he gasped.

  “You can and you will,” she declared. “You’re going to watch me fuck myself into an orgasm on your cock. How far are you?”

  “Getting close,” he groaned.

  “Not before I come!”


  Kate braced herself with one hand on his shoulder and used the other to strum her clit. She kept a steady pace on his shaft and soon lost herself in orgasm. Kate called out his name and came down one last time. As their groins connected and her pussy contracted around his length, the telltale twitches of his cock signaled his release as he jetted spurts of hot cum into the condom.

  Kate slumped on his body as she caught her breath, his cock still inside her. Chris gave a low moan as Kate’s cunt continued to spasm around him.

  She gathered her strength and pushed herself off him. Chris opened one eye. “Fuck, woman, I want to do that again, but I think you broke me.”

  She arched her brow as she stroked one hand on his sternum and shook her head. “No, I didn’t, but I’m going to hurt you before I release you from the ropes.”

  He frowned, and she removed the first clamp.

  “Fuck!” he roared.

  Kate pressed her hand on the nipple to alleviate the pain while she drank in his agonized expression. With sadistic anticipation she alerted him, “Here comes the next.”

  His long, “No,” ended on a moan as she sucked his abused nipple into her mouth and soothed his pain.

  After she untied him, Chris took care of the condom and pulled her into his arms. She needed to talk with him, but tired from the wedding, dancing and mindboggling sex, Kate fell into a deep slumber and didn’t wake until the next morning.

  Kate cracked her eyes open in the bright morning sunlight. What possessed me to leave the blinds open last night? But the bed was strange, and her room didn’t usually smell of male, stale cologne and sex. She turned her head. Chris was propped on one elbow, studying her. Her eyes widened as the events of last night rushed back. The dancing, the wedding, the sex – all tumbled through her mind like leaves on an autumn meadow. Chris was close, too close for comfort and Kate lifted her hand to push him away. She studied his face and ended with her hand on his pectoral muscle without pushing. His light morning beard distracted her. Usually clean shaven, she didn’t know his beard hair was darker than the hair on his head. Why the hell am I thinking about the color of his hair? I should push him away. Chris leaned forward, his gaze fixed on her lips. Oh, no! Not going to happen!

  Kate locked her elbow and pushed for real. “Don’t.”

  A puzzled look crossed his face before his features brightened. “Worried about morning breath, Mistress Kate? I have spare toothbrushes in the bathroom. It’s the door across the hall. I’ll whip up some breakfast.”

  Chris hopped out of bed before she could respond and sauntered to the bedroom door – sans clothes!

  She groaned in frustration. “I should whip you.”

  He halted at her statement and threw a cocky grin her way. “You did.”

  Kate swore she heard him mutter, “And I liked it.” Fuck! Impossible!

  As a dominatrix, Kate was always controlled and collected, but as a natural redhead she had a temper to match. Chris pushed all her buttons, and Kate didn’t like it! She jumped out of bed and ambled over to her clothes. She picked up her panties and stepped in them with a sound of disgust. Kate fastened her bra and pulled her dress over her head. Overdressed for the morning, but it couldn’t be helped. Her stockings and shoes in hand, she went into the bathroom. She would brush her teeth and give the man a piece of her mind.

  Ten minutes later, with her face washed, her hair brushed and fresh breath, Kate emerged from Chris’ bathroom determined not to show her temper. She could smell fresh coffee coming from the kitchen, and she found Chris struggling to get his jeans on over his morning wood.

  “I can’t stay for breakfast.” Even to her own ears she sounded hoarse.

  “What’s wrong?” He halted his struggle with the jeans still unbuttoned.

  She turned around and placed her hands on her hips. “You have to ask? Even in a one-night-stand, honesty is the most important quality in a BDSM relationship.”

  He braced himself in the doorway with his hands over his head, infuriating her more. “What are you talking about?”

  “You lied. You played the submissive and I. Don’t. Like. To. Be. Played.” Kate punctuated every word with a finger to his chest.

  “Kate, I …” His voice trailed off. With his disheveled hair, bare chest and bare feet, he looked like a little boy whose mommy told him he couldn’t have another cookie, and Kate had to muster her resolve. “I have to go now.” Kate headed for the door as she dug her cell phone out of her purse to summon a ride.

  “At least let me take you to your car.”

  As she entered her information into the ride-sharing app, Kate turned back. “Not necessary. My Uber will be here in three minutes.”

  “It won’t take that long. My next-door neighbor drives.”

  “Good. I’ll wait outside.” She hated being the cause of his deflated look. She usually enjoyed the chivalrous impulses of her subs, but she had to get out of there before she did something she would regret.

  “Kate, wait, you don’t understand.”

  “I’m fine, Chris. See you around.” She walked out the door in time to see
the car in the next driveway backing out. Sure enough, it was her ride. She got in the back seat of the white Toyota Camry, sending the message she didn’t want a conversation with the driver. But she had to talk with someone. Laura was out of the question, but Paula might be available. Kate opened a text window and fired off a message.

  8:23 am Face Screaming in Fear emoji – ‘I left with Chris last night.’

  Kate tapped with her index finger on the red plastic case surrounding her phone. Will Paula recognize my predicament? She doesn’t know BDSM, doesn’t seem to grasp the dynamics.

  Kate stared at the screen, like she could implore Paula through the device to answer her. She pursed her lips. Paula might not understand, but Jim was a member of Club Indigo. That should help matters. Kate blinked and cocked her head. Why am I thinking about Jim right now?

  For a moment her heartbeat faltered before it sped up to a ponding rhythm when the realization hit her. Jim had snagged Paula before the other men had reached them. Like Chris had her! Kate shot off another message.

  8:28 am ‘Did you spend the night with Jim?’

  She needed to talk, and maybe Paula wanted a chat, too.

  8:29 am ‘Can you do coffee or lunch?’ – Folded Hands emoji.

  She hoped Paula would see her messages soon and answer them before Kate worked herself into any more of a crazed mess.

  “And then the man had the audacity to claim he liked what we did. Like a Dom turned into a sub overnight,” Kate ended her monologue.

  Paula eyed her over the rim of her coffee cup. They sat in a corner booth at IHOP, plates of pancakes with butter and syrup in front of them.

  Unhealthy but finger-licking delicious! Kate made a mental note to go for an extra run this week.

  “So, if I understand correctly, you and Chris aren’t compatible, except you are.” Paula tilted her face to the side and pursed her lips before shaking her head. “I don’t get it.”

  Kate stirred her coffee, deep in thought. She slowly closed her eyes and pulled in a long breath through her nose, held it, and let it escape. Of course, her explanation had made no sense to Paula. The woman didn’t have an inkling of knowledge about BDSM. Kate wasn’t sure if Paula would be uneasy discussing BDSM. Not everyone was open to it.

  “It’s hard to explain if you’re not in the lifestyle.” Kate tapped her steepled fingers together.

  Paula tipped her head from side to side, like she was weighing the words. “The lifestyle, you mean the whips and chains stuff?”

  Kate narrowed her eyes. Did Paula disapprove? Kate wasn’t a coward, and she wasn’t ashamed of her Domme side. Safe, sane, and consensual were gospel to her. Now she’d broached the subject, she would follow through. “Not necessarily whips and chains, but yes, the lifestyle. What do you know about BDSM?”

  “Not much. I’ve seen Fifty Shades …”

  A vein pulsed in her temple and her frustration rose. Paula held up her hands as if Kate had pointed a deadly weapon instead of a glare at her.

  “… and before you jump all over me, you’re not the first person to tell me it isn’t a good example of BDSM.”

  “No, it isn’t. Is that all you know?” Kate waited for Paula to gather her thoughts.

  Paula tapped her forefinger against her mouth. “Laura told me a little. Enough to convince me that James wasn’t abusing her.” Paula grimaced, bit her lip, and peaked at Kate from under her eyelashes.

  Kate placed her fork on her plate, wiped her mouth with her napkin, and took pity on the other woman. “Okay, let me try to explain. Take James and Laura. They’re a D/s couple. ‘D’ stands for Dominant and ‘s’ stands for submissive. The full acronym has a lot of meanings, and there are almost as many forms of BDSM as there are people who practice it, but let’s stick to this part for now. James’ need to dominate matches Laura’s desire to submit. They fit together because their needs and wants fulfill each other.” Kate took a sip of coffee and swallowed. “Chris and I are both dominant, so we don’t fit.”

  Paula rapidly blinked before she openly stared. “I thought all dominants were men.”

  For real? Kate cast a glance Paula’s way and started laughing. “Okay, that shows you know next to nothing about BDSM. Dominants come in all genders and orientations. It’s not about men dominating women unless that’s how both parties want it. Some people switch roles depending on mood or partner. Anyhow, Chris and I have incredible chemistry going on, and yesterday was one of the best sexual encounters I’ve had in my entire life, but we wouldn’t work as a couple.”

  Paula’s eyes widened. “This stuff is way more complicated than I realized. But what’s wrong with a night of hot sex?”

  Of course, Paula didn’t get it. “In theory, nothing, but …” Kate’s shoulders slumped. I have to put it all on the table. She whispered, “… but I’ve been fucking in love with the man for as long as I’ve known him, and I don’t think I can go back to the friend zone with him after this.”

  Paula’s jaw dropped. “So, what will you do?”

  Kate took her fork, loaded it with pancake and was silent for several beats. “I don’t know.” She shoved the food into her mouth and chewed slowly. Too bad Paula couldn’t do more, but she had helped. Kate’s resolve and energy were restored now she’d told someone. Maybe she could just let it lie and avoid Chris for the rest of her life.

  Next Friday evening, Kate leaned against the back wall in the main room of Club Indigo, listening to Hurt by Nine Inch Nails. Fucking appropriate song. Kate had DM duty, but the club was practically deserted. The only attendees, Julie and Ruby, sat at the bar talking with Bob.

  I could join them? She mentally shook her head. Nah, the way I’m feeling right now I shouldn’t drink alcohol and I won’t stick to water or pop if I go near the bar.

  She spotted Jim entering, gave him a chin lift, and he sauntered over to her.

  She did her best to smile. “Scoping out the room?”

  Jim didn’t seem any happier than she. “No one’s playing.”

  Her eyebrows drew together. “We have unattached Tops and bottoms, but there aren’t any good fits. We need fresh blood and more single Doms.”

  Jim was quiet for a moment and rubbed his chin. The sandpapery sound of stubble reminding Kate of the shadow on Chris’ face in the morning. She almost jumped when Jim spoke, “I know someone who might be interested. I’m fairly certain he’s a Dominant and has lifestyle experience.”

  Kate made an appreciative sound and leaned forward. “Sounds interesting. I hope he isn’t a sadist; I don’t think any of the subs we have right now are serious masochists. We have plenty of subs looking for dominants. Run it by Mitch or Bob.” She gave him another weak tilt of her lips. Jim was a good-looking man. Like Chris, he had blond hair and a muscled build. Like Chris, he was a Dominant. Unlike Chris, Jim didn’t deny his nature. Anger started forming in her again.

  “What’s wrong?” Jim’s words broke into her thoughts.

  Kate sighed. “Since nobody is playing, I guess we can sit.” They went to the comfortable red couch, her favorite quiet spot in the club. Kate used it routinely for aftercare. Jim leaned back and studied her. Kate crossed her legs, uncrossed them, and sighed again. “I went home with Chris after the weddings.”


  Okay? Didn’t he see the problem?

  “We’re both dominant,” she stated the obvious.

  “Yes, you are.”

  His easy acceptance amazed her. First Paula, now Jim. Nobody seemed to get how big a deal this was.

  “It was the best night of my life,” Kate confessed. Jim made an encouraging sound and she continued. “He’s a player, a womanizer.”

  The crease between Jim’s eyebrows had deepened at the last couple of sentences, but now his face brightened. “You’re in love with him!”

  The pain in her throat reached her lungs as she tried not to cry. “I’ve been in lust with the man since the first time I laid eyes on him. First we were just friends, but I’ve bee
n falling for him more every time we spoke, or I watched him with a sub. Last weekend was the proverbial nail in my coffin. He was perfect in almost every way. It’s more than lust now. It’s love.”


  “Yes.” Blood drummed in her ears as anger rose again, and she explained the real problem to Jim, “He faked submitting to me.”

  Before Jim could reply, a low voice growled behind them. “I. Did. Not. Fake. Anything!”

  Kate pressed her lips together and scowled. She slowly turned her head around. “You’re a Dom.” She practically spat at the looming figure behind them.

  “Apparently not with you,” Chris threw back.

  “How is that even possible?” She snarled. “You’ve never shown a tendency to switch before!”

  “Guys,” Jim made the universal sign of surrender, but before he could continue Bob stepped between Chris and Kate.

  “Jim, man the bar will you?” Without waiting for an answer, Bob directed his focus to Chris and Kate. “You two come with me. This is not something you discuss where everyone can hear.” Bob marched away from the main room, and Chris and Kate followed him like two lost puppies.

  Chris’ stomach hardened as anger boiled inside. Something in his chest tightened as Bob led them into the dining room of the club. There was no one around, and Bob gestured toward the closest table.

  “Want to share what that was about?” Bob inquired with a low voice.

  Chris closed his eyes. His jaw ached from clenching his teeth. He replayed the night of the wedding over and over in his mind. It had been wonderful and exhilarating, but the cold shoulder he’d received the next morning had ruined it.